How “Just SEO” helped small & medium businesses in New Zealand survived from COVID-19 pandemic

How “Just SEO” helped small & medium businesses in New Zealand survived from COVID-19 pandemic

If you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a pandemic. The whole world is involved and to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, more and more restrictions are being put into place. People are being asked to lockdown and stay inside to slow down the spread, and that has meant that many small and medium businesses have stumbled and closed down. These closures may be temporary, but given that we don’t know how this pandemic is going to go, we’re all facing the worry that businesses won’t reopen once more.

The longer it takes to get rid of the virus, the harder it is for businesses to clamber back into the driving seat and do well. One way that many small businesses have survived so far is by maximising their efforts online. When the virus first hit almost a year ago, people started moving from the office into working from home, and their basic needs were taken care of by ordering online where possible. This has put many businesses ahead as they are able to deliver a good online service. For this to work for your own small business, you need to look into

Local SEO services. Online spending may have dropped as people are unable to spend as much money on shopping, but that doesn’t mean that your business will fail as a result. The competition between eCommerce brands online is fiercer now than it ever has been and if you own an online business, then the right SEO NZ service is what you will need to thrive in these times.

You Need Local SEO Services

People have lost jobs or moved to being on furlough until they are able to go back to work, which means that their disposable income has dropped significantly. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t keep doing the best you can to keep your business noticed, and the best way to do that is to make sure that you are investing in professional, local SEO services. This will minimise your losses as much as possible and give you the chance for a comeback once this pandemic has slowed down again.

You need to be able to take advantage of this time, where there are more people surfing the internet and searching for what they want online. It’s the time now to focus on your SEO, to ensure that you attract as many users to your website and convert them into customers. Making sales will be great but it shouldn’t be your only focus right now. In the midst of a pandemic, your focus should be on showing off your brand, entertaining customers and engaging them with your brand. This will ensure that you can gain their trust and build a pool of customers who have discovered your brand and want to know what you have to say. This means that you need to look at your website from an outsiders point of view, and the only way that this will work is if you can find it in the first place. Hello, SEO – it’s knocking at your door!

When you engage your visitors in the right way, you become the obvious first choice when they need your service, and even if you’re unable to make those sales at first, you will still be able to gain a base of customers who will be interested in you beyond the pandemic. Being at the top of the search engine results pages really does matter and the more you are concentrating on this the better your brand reputation will be.

How Just SEO Have Helped

Small and medium business owners can save their business if they are focused on their SEO strategy, and that’s where Just SEO has stepped in. Many local businesses can’t open during the lockdowns, but by heading online, these same businesses are able to survive for longer and gain the support of their local community. It’s not incorrect to say that people find a brand more credible if they can find them online, and Just SEO has helped small and medium businesses all over to gain more interest and customers from the internet. This has enabled these businesses to survive, to grow their online customer base and break through local barriers to serve a larger audience. With the help of SEO services, small and medium businesses are getting noticed – and Just SEO has been the place to turn!

Why Just SEO Is The Best SEO NZ Company

At Just SEO, we are concerned about putting you and your business in the spotlight and in this digital world, our SEO efforts with your website is just the ticket you need. Some of the ways that we can help your small or medium business include:

Keywords Research

To be able to be seen, you need the right balance of the correct keywords for your website. Search engines will pick your website up with the right keywords when it’s combing the internet for the right search results. When you don’t have the right keywords, you will not be recognised and you slip down the search engine results pages. We can help you with an in-depth keyword research and analysis that is based on the keywords that will be most profitable for your business, and we’ll stick to your budget, too!

SEO Auditing

Are you confident with your SEO strategy? We’ll give your current strategy the once-over and audit it accordingly. We’re all about helping you to improve your rankings, and Just SEO is here to help your users to understand your website better.


If you want to be seen as an authority in your industry, you need backlinks of the highest possible quality. Not only can we help you to build those links, we can ensure that we only use the best websites that are relevant to your industry at every turn.

Quality Support

More than anything else, working with us is a pleasure! You get what you need for your brand visibility, excellent support staff behind you 100% of the way and you get a customer support team that works closely with you.

Contact Us Today

We’re confident about our local SEO services at Just SEO, and we’re all about working with our clients for the best results. Give us a call today and if you’re unhappy with the service, we’ll give you back 100% of your payment if we can’t get your site ranking on the first page.

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Is Your Website Fast Enough?

Is Your Website Fast Enough?

When it comes to being online, speed for your website is absolutely key. Not only is it important to be able to keep up with the upload and download speeds of your office, you need to ensure that your website visitors are able to experience your website to its fullest capabilities. The only way that you’re going to be able to do this is by ensuring that your website is moving quickly. You have to be able to pay attention to how fast your website is loading and how it’s grabbing the attention of the users. Why? Every website only has a few seconds to appeal to someone and your website speed being too slow is going to turn your users off. They will click off of your website and go elsewhere for what they need, and this is something that you need to avoid. Losing customers before you make a pitch? Not ideal for your business! On top of user experience, your SEO is at stake when your website is slow.

User Experience Matters

So, let’s dive into your website speed and how it hurts your user numbers. The last time that you did an internet search it’s likely that you clicked off of a site that didn’t load properly for you. We all do it; we’re more interested in getting our information NOW than waiting thirty more seconds it would take for a site to load. Users bounce from a website and test another one to see if that one is faster, and they create opinions on a business based on whether their website is fast enough. The user experience for your website really does matter, and long load times will increase the risk that your users won’t stick around. Website design has improved massively over the last few years with the inclusion of GIFs, videos and superior images, but this has the downside of longer load times. While your website will look pretty, it will take longer to load and your efforts can lead to a high bounce rate. Of course, faster is always going to be better when loading your site but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use great imagery!

Website Speed & SEO – A Marriage!

When you are considering your SEO Auckland strategy, you need to consider the fact that your website speed and your SEO are a perfect marriage. If your website page loads slowly, it won’t show up at the top of the search engine results pages. The Google algorithms rely on page load times as a key ranking factor, which just goes to prove that website speed and SEO are linked. Google – plus other search engines – are all looking to promote the websites that offer the best user experience. Any website pages that are slow frustrate users, and this impacts the way in which your website ranks. Asking your SEO agency to build your SEO strategy around providing users with the information that you need is important. You can only do this, however, when you understand how to meet their search intent, and if you aren’t paying too much attention to this your users will lose patience and bounce away!

Page Speed & SEO – What’s The Impact?

We know that page speed will help you to rank for Google, but it’s important to note that this applies to your mobile site and your desktop site. When it comes to delivering SEO alongside that, improving your site speed will be the most effective thing that you can do to improve your SEO search rankings. The right SEO agency will factor this into your user experience and web design goals during the development of your website, but you can also come back to it later. Did you know that smartphone usage is responsible for much of the worldwide traffic on the web? The only issue is that you will find that these also have the slowest web connections.

Smartphones have to capture the 4G/5G signals or the Wi-Fi wherever they are, so you need to ensure that your website is properly optimised for smartphone usage. If you aren’t careful, the site can lag on those portable devices causing your rankings to drop once again.

Ignoring page load times is not a good idea and a reputable SEO agency won’t ignore them, either! When you spend time ensuring that your SEO strategy is perfect, the last thing that you want to happen is for this to be for nothing. Slow page loading times will interrupt that carefully planned SEO strategy and as you now know, your users aren’t going to be the most patient!

Making That First Impression

If you want to ensure that your business website makes a good impression on your audience, you need to consider what happens once your page does load. While it’s important to ensure that your page load times are short and sweet, you need to think about whether your website is outdated or not. You want your site speeds to be fast, but if the resulting website is cluttered, out of date and boring, there’s no point! Everything on your homepage should set up your business to tell your users what it is you do and it should be ordered in a way that doesn’t slow your site. You need to have imagery, but the last thing that you want to have is cluttered pictures that will slow the site down.

The whole idea of your website is to convince those who are interested to convert to a customer. With the help of the right SEO agency, you’re going to be able to convert website users to new customers. A successful brand website depends on its speed and if you think that your website is lagging behind, our SEO agency can help! There’s no use in having a website that isn’t quick enough and it’s time to review your website performance if you believe that there is a slowdown. Contact us today to speed your site and build your conversions.

Make sure your website is mobile friendly

Make sure your website is mobile friendly

The world of business has changed significantly over the past few years, and online content is one of the best things that you need to get right as much as possible. You have to make sure you come up with ideas that are going to allow you to get this right. One of the most important factors in the process when it comes to improving your business with the right SEO services, and think about how you can make your company more mobile-friendly.

You have a lot of things you need to keep in mind when it comes to improving your business, and trying to keep it mobile-friendly is definitely one of the key factors that you have to keep in mind right now. Optimising your website for mobile devices is so important, especially in a day and age where people spend so much time on their mobiles phones these days. Here are some things to consider when you’re trying to make sure your website is mobile-friendly as much as possible.

Better User Experience

Better user experience is one of the key ways of being able to improve your website and the way in which it is used. The website is one of the most important elements of your business, and you need to look at some of the best ways of being able to improve this. Now, there are a lot of ideas that you’re going to need to keep in mind right now when trying to focus on this. Search engines and customers these days are all about user experience. In fact, a lot of customers these days like to look at the experience that businesses give them. You have to try to make sure you focus on improving the experience people have when they visit your website, and this is going to help you generate more leads as well as increasing possible conversion rates as well in the process.

Increased Mobile Usage

Now, something else you need to think about when it comes to improving your website and making sure it is mobile-friendly is the fact that there has been an increase in mobile usage over the past few years. Indeed, statistics suggest that Americans spend close to 95% of their mobile usage time on the internet, and this number could have increased even more since the pandemic hit. Because of how many people are active on mobile devices these days, it is important to be able to provide them with a mobile-friendly website as much as possible. You have to come up with some of the best ways of optimizing your website to try to make it as mobile-friendly as you possibly can. This is certainly worth keeping in mind, and you have to try to make the necessary changes as much as you can, and this is really important to make the most of.

Mobile-Friendly Site Impacts SEO

Another thing that is really important to keep in mind is the fact that mobile-friendly sites hugely impact SEO. SEO plays a key role in helping you to work on making your company better, and there are a lot of ideas that you should keep in mind here as much as possible. Google gives penalties for poor mobile experience, so this is one of the key things that you need to keep in mind right now. Mobile-friendly designation is one of the key elements that Google introduced, and this is certainly something you need to make the most of moving forward. You have to try to come up with ideas that are going to allow you to make the most of your website, and try to find the best SEO services in Auckland right now to work with. Being as mobile-friendly as possible is one of the key things that you need to keep in mind when you are looking to improve this.

Mobile-Friendly Websites Take Care of Number of Problems

You have to make sure you do as much as possible to understand what it takes to improve this, and you are going to need to come up with ideas that will help you when you’re looking at removing a lot of the problems that can sometimes occur. Issues like having to pinch and zoom, scrolling all over the place, and clicking on links accidentally are all things that can cause a nightmare for visitors to the site, and all of these can result in a poor user experience. Try to make sure you do your best to improve the mobile-friendly nature of your website so that you are able to deal with these problems as much as possible. Try to think about the right ways of developing the perfect mobile-friendly website that can help your business improve as much as possible.

More Cost-Effective Than App Development

Many business owners are looking at app development in order to help their companies thrive and grow, and improve the way in which people are able to have better experiences. However, app development can be time consuming, not to mention costing a lot of money in the process as well. You have to make sure you do as much as you can to develop the perfect mobile-friendly business website, as this is a great way of being able to provide an alternative to mobile apps, as well as being cost-effective in the process as well.

Cross Device Experience

Giving a great cross-device experience is certainly something you need to work on right now, and this can make a big difference. There are a lot of ideas that you have to consider to help with this, and there is no question that cross device compatibility is really key to this. You have to make sure you consider the best ways of being able to do this, and creating a more mobile-friendly website is something you have to get right

There are a lot of things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to making your website more mobile-friendly. This is something that you are going to need to keep in mind when it comes to making the best decisions right now. Being able to make your website as mobile-friendly as much as possible is really important, and there are a lot of ideas you have to consider when it comes to making the most of this.

6 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When You Choosing Auckland SEO Services

6 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When You Choosing Auckland SEO Services

Over the last ten years, the SEO industry has exploded. We’ve seen literally hundreds of outfits pop up all over New Zealand. And in the last year, things have become positively frenzied. COVID-19 restrictions mean that practically every brand now needs to reach out to people online and requires the help of SEOs.

But there’s a problem: finding a great Auckland SEO company isn’t easy. Right now there are a lot of opportunists out there, looking to cash in on the current crisis. And many of them simply lack the experience and expertise to deliver the results you want.

Worse still, a bad SEO agency can actually hurt your brand long-term. Black hat practices, for instance, can cause lasting damage to your domain authority. And poor link-building strategies can undermine your ability to beat out your rivals.

In this post, therefore, we equip you with the knowledge you need to choose a top SEO agency. Here are the six mistakes you should avoid when canvassing the market.

Mistake #1: Choosing A Provider Based On Price Alone

Thanks to the current economic conditions, thousands of people are piling into the SEO space, looking to make money from what has become a significant growth industry. Many are offering bargain basement prices, hoping to tempt their business customers with massive discounts. After all, most businesses are trying to save money at the moment.

Unfortunately, this means that a lot of brands wind up paying for junk. Instead of getting a service that actually helps them rank better, they end up throwing their money away on poor content and low-authority backlinking, leaving them no better off than they were before.

What’s more, companies offering massively discounted prices don’t always offer the best customer service. So when problems do come up, you’re waiting for days before they get resolved.

Want our advice? Don’t be afraid to shell out a little more for established professionals, like us. Going ultra-cheap has a nasty habit of leading to false economies.

Mistake #2: Using A Company That Doesn’t Have Experience In Your Sector

SEO agencies are just like any other company – they have specific expertise. However, a lot of client brands just assume that there’s no real difference between agencies.

Here’s the truth: if you want a great SEO experience, it pays to go to a company that specialises in your industry.

They often know the exact type of keywords you should target. And they have a good sense of the most competitive keywords – as well as opportunities. What’s more, they frequently have established relationships with relevant third-party sites, which is great for backlinking.

Mistake #3: Failing To Do Your Research

The best-known agencies in the SEO space aren’t necessarily the top-performing. Many get ahead through clever marketing and sophisticated data tools. But when it comes to the nuts and bolts of search engine optimisation, they don’t offer the kind of performance you need.

For this reason, we suggest that you always look for proof that agencies are delivering real value for clients. Look at reviews and case studies to see the kind of results the outfit managed to achieve in the past.

At Just SEO, we make this process easy by listing our performance on the front page of our website. You can see the results of our work, and feedback from clients.

We’ve helped brands get to the top of search engine results for some of the most difficult keywords out there, including apparently impossible keywords, such as “payday loans.” Not many SEO agencies in Auckland can say that!

Mistake #4: Choosing A Black Hat SEO Company

SEO companies will usually describe themselves as “white hat” in the fine print. All this means is that they obey Google’s rules. In other words, they don’t use disallowed tactics to game the system. By contrast, black hat agencies will do whatever it takes to help you rank.

What do we mean by breaking the rules? Well, usually it involves setting up phony links or creating pages that don’t offer real value to users.

At Just SEO, we don’t believe in black hat practices because they ultimately wind up hurting brands. Eventually, search engines notice something is wrong and punish you, sometimes by manually down-ranking your site. Once you have a mark against your brand, it’s hard to recover.

Mistake #5: Prioritising Speed

Every brand needs to be at the top of search results for their chosen keywords. Hence, SEO agencies in Auckland offering “fast results” are extremely popular.

Don’t be fooled by these sites. Anyone who knows anything about SEO understands that the process takes a long time. Nobody can generate results overnight – even with all the resources in the world. That’s simply not how Google and other search engines work. They actually include a time element in their algorithm and, as far as we know, SEO agencies don’t have time machines.

Moreover, it actually makes sense to build your SEO over time, instead of just aiming to get to the top spot by next week. Doing it organically looks more natural to users. Your audience may detect foul play if your site suddenly comes from nowhere to dominate your rivals overnight.

Results take around three months to show up. If an agency promises faster than that, they’re almost certainly misleading you.

Mistake #6: Buying Into “Secret Techniques”

A lot of SEO agencies promise “inside relationships” or “secret techniques” to rocket you to the top of search results. And while these offers might sound persuasive, you should treat them with caution.

In general, agencies don’t have special relationships with search engines. So take any promises of preferential treatment with a pinch of salt. Remember, at the moment, most search engines are battling to maintain their credibility in the face of mounting censorship. If news came out that people were paying them (outside formal advertising) for visibility, that would undermine their entire business model.

So the bottom line is this: ignore anyone promising secret techniques. They are probably making it up, or, worse still, implementing banned strategies.

Why SEO is more important for your business during COVID-19 pandemic

Why SEO is more important for your business during COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has taken its toll on businesses all across the world, and SMEs everywhere are still feeling the fallout from this. The global pandemic has changed the way a lot of people do business, as well as changing what people look for from businesses. You have to make sure you do as much as possible to help you improve upon the way you run your business this year, and one of the key factors that will play a role in this is SEO.

As one of the leading examples of online digital marketing, SEO has taken on fresh importance in the wake of COVID-19, and it is vital that you do as much as possible to look at how you can achieve success as a modern business, and try to thrive in this time. There are a lot of ideas that play a part in this, and you need to understand the reasons why SEO matters to your business during the global pandemic more than it ever has!

More Businesses are Going Digital

More and more businesses are going digital these days, and this has only increased since coronavirus. Small businesses are having to move online in order to maintain functionality at a time when social distancing is essential. Having a digital presence is something that you need to make the most of right now, and this is something that your business can achieve by getting online and increasing your digital presence more. This moves SEO into greater focus, as it is one of the leading factors that your business can use to enhance its impact digitally.

Customer Presence Online

Another element of this that plays a massive role is the fact that customer presence online has hugely increased as well. This is something you need to try to make the most of, and there are a lot of things that play a part in this. Because more and more people are stuck at home these days, they are having to turn their attention online in order to get what they need and shop for things they want. This has seen a huge growth in the number of customers and potential customers online these days, and this gives you more scope for targeting people for your business right now. And this also shows one of the key reasons why SEO can be so useful in terms of targeting people for leads and conversion rates.

You Can Focus Rebrand

Being able to take your business entirely digital gives you a great opportunity for rebranding your company as much as possible. People are viewing companies differently these days, and this is why it’s important to be able to rebrand as much as possible. And you can work SEO into this, by utilising new and improved keywords to drive traffic to the company, and there are a lot of things that play a part in this. SEO is an essential part of any business rebrand, and this is one of the reasons it has become so important over the course of this pandemic. Try to make as much use of SEO as possible over this time, and understand the important role it will play in the rebranding and remarketing of your business to a digital audience during this pandemic.

Content is Still Key

Content is still King in the business world, perhaps even more so now that more and more business is having to be conducted digitally. For many business owners, this global pandemic has meant that they have had to conduct 100% of business online, and this means that online content is key. You need to ensure that you have the best possible content to work with right now, and there are a lot of ideas you need to work on as much as possible moving forward. Try to focus on what it takes to improve your company moving forward by using rich and interesting content that you can diversify and fill with excellent keywords that will help your business to stand out online over the course of this year.

Local Searches Matter Even More

Something else that has made SEO even more important in 2021 is the fact that localised searches have become even more important right now. There are a lot of things that play a part in helping you with this, and it is important that you try to make the most of this moving forward. There are a lot more local searches being carried out as people look to businesses closer to home while we contend with lockdowns across the world. So you need to think about how your company is showing up in local searches, and the SEO that you can use that’s going to play a part in this. Getting this element right is really important, and you have to try to think about what it takes to assess and improve upon this right now.

Play the Long Game

Playing the long game is incredibly important when it comes to making the right decisions here. Now, the important thing to remember is that you have to make sure you earn trust from search engines – this is earned over time through continuous quality output. So, you need to make sure you focus on taking steps that are going to help you when you’re looking at achieving this. Gains from SEO typically take several months to come to fruition, and this is something that you need to make sure you get right. You should just focus on doing as much work now as you can to try to play the long game and get processes in place that are going to help you when it comes to getting the best out of this.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why you should be prioritizing SEO in your business moving forward. So, trying to find the ultimate SEO in Auckland is definitely something you need to focus on right now. Make sure you are focused on trying to take things to the next stage right now, and this is definitely one of the best ways of getting the right outcome and achieving business success right now.