Which bidding option is best for an advertiser focused on direct response marketing goals?

Which bidding option is best for an advertiser focused on direct response marketing goals?

When a business owner establishes a business online, he has to make marketing plans that work instantly. When an established business when comes online, it has to show up among the competitors. Thus, the marketers choose to do paid marketing that instantly brings results and increases reach. A good business has names and a good quantity of potentials customers and leads. But how do businesses achieve visibility on the internet? What increases their discoverability? The answer is the best bidding option. A bid is an amount you set as a cost per click. Every time someone clicks your ads, you pay for this click. But the question is which bidding option is best for an advertiser? A bidding option best suitable for an advertiser focused on direct response marketing goals. Because the process of biding provides instant results. If you look at google pages, you will always find ad pages options on the top. why do you ask? Because advertiser’s main objective is to drive traffic, gain visibility and thus convert traffic into potential customers. All they have to see is which biding option best suit their need?

For advertisers, Cost-per-click (CPC) is the best bidding option that helps generate potential leads and customers and increase social visibility. Advertisers run direct response campaigns to pursue customers to buy their products and visit the website by receiving updates via email. A potential customer will keep visiting your website if it is providing him/her with valuable products. It is the main target of the advertiser to get attention and increase the conversion rate. To understand the process, let’s look at Cost per click first.

Cost Per Click: the best suitable bidding option

Cost-per-click (CPC) is a bidding option that advertisers use to increase the click rate. The CPC cost that you pay for every click is called Pay-Per-Click (PPC). You pay a set amount of price called to bid for every click they receive on their ad. For example, if a bid is $0.1 the advertiser will be charged $0.1 every time someone clicks the ad. When you run CPC campaigns, you set a maximum bid or max CPC. You will cost the exact amount you have selected as max. CPC. There are two options available when it comes to cost per click

    • Manual Bidding

It is when you set a bidding amount and pay every time some clicks your ad.

    • Automated Bidding

It is when Google gives bidding options to select for the best results. However, It is crucial to select the right bidding strategy, take time with the process and keep optimizing for better results. The suitable option is automated bidding which lets google take decisions on your behalf and select bidding options that have many benefits related to bidding.

Automated bidding benefits advertisers because it works through machine learning to set bids. It allows advertisers to bid only on clicks from a specific group and serve ads at a specific time. It is also an auction-specific option that increases the conversion rate and thus saves time. To run a PPC campaign, there are many options available that increase your chance of gaining new visitors to your website. The options are

  • AdWords
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads

CPC Bidding: direct response marketing/advertising goals

A bid is an amount called cost per click. Every time someone clicks on ads, you pay a cost per click. But the focus is on using the best bidding option if you are an advertiser. CPC is a bidding option best suitable for an advertiser focused on direct response marketing goals. While all options function to increase potential customers and leads, Google ads are widely used for PPC campaigns. Why do you ask? Google ads help to spread the word using different advertising mediums such as search ads, display ads, and video ads. The bidding on these options guarantees to generate potential leads. While you pay the bidding amount for clicks you will get new visitors to your website and these visits increase your visibility.

The ad icon page option is on the top because you pay for clicks, and Google ads help you grow instantly where you can establish a position among your competitors. While paying for clicks can generate an immediate response from consumers to quickly generate new leads, it also allows you to analyze the overall performance with google analytics. Hence, best bidding options like Cost per click help advertisers focus on direct response marketing and advertising goals to generate immediate consumers responses and drive more traffic and potential leads.
Difference between Selling and Marketing – Summary

Difference between Selling and Marketing – Summary

When you introduce a new product, the process goes from marketing to selling it. The process of marketing and selling requires a plan to achieve the targeted goals. Because a marketing and selling plan highlights the crucial factors to improve output. While marketing focuses on customers’ needs, selling makes a plan to sell products by integrating with the marketing plan. But how do marketing and selling differentiate to get the targeted outcome? the difference between marketing and selling is crucial for business. Selling transforms products into profits. It makes money by providing services and products. Whereas marketing is a process to focus on customers’ needs and satisfaction. In this blog, you will get to know the five main differences between marketing and selling products.

What do you mean by selling and marketing?

Selling is a process that is solely concerned with making a product and earning profit from this product. The selling plan makes sure that the product’s manufacturing is going according to the needs and thus make a profit by selling. Here, marketing integrates into the process of selling. However, the selling only focuses on making money. Customer satisfaction comes as a less important part of this process. Whereas marketing focuses on gathering the information related to customers’ needs or gaps in the industry. Then, plan how the product meets the need of the customer.

    • What is it?
    • How does it meet the needs of the customer
    • Who will buy it?

These are the initial questions that a marketer asks while planning for marketing a product. The planning includes the changing trends of the industry, the needs of the customers, the product as a solution, and targeted customers. After planning the process of executing the plan starts using the marketing strategies and tools. includes the idea of selling

Scope of Marketing and Selling

Selling is an integral part of the marketing plan but not the overall focus of the process. Selling is a small important component as all marketing efforts are for selling the product and establishing a position in the market. The position will be established only when a company’s sales increase and customers find your brand a reliable source. the increased selling scope will increase the overall scope of business. Whereas marketing is a lot to do with the image building of a product and brand. while a product is introduced in the market, the marketers use strategies and tools to tell people how their product is the answer to customers’ needs. When customers buy your product and provide you feedback, your product and brand grow.

The function of Marking and Selling

The function of marketing differs from selling. The selling process starts in the factory. From manufacturing to selling the product, the business owner is concerned to get the product sold.

The process of selling starts from the factory. It is to see what products are available for selling. similar is the with a salesman. A salesperson sells products without thinking about the marketing objectives. His sole mission is to sell products and earn profit. The marketing plan functions differently. It focuses on the customer and how the product is made into a customer-oriented product that attracts more people and grows business. A marketing plan takes the help of integrated marketing strategies to earn profit by satisfying customers.


The marketing process focuses on the customer. Because the marketer’s services are related to building a brand image in the industry. If customers spread good words about the product, the business will flourish and expand its services. Whereas the selling orients on the products and how it will provide maximum profit.

Role of Consumers in Selling and Marketing

While marketing sees the consumer as the main objective of business, the selling process sees the consumer as the final link to the business process. While making a marketing plan, the marketers use organic and paid tools to engage more audiences. The on-page and off-page SEO, and backlinks help to drive more customers. Marketers also analyze a website’s performance through Google Analytics to understand what is working and what needs improvement.


Hence, selling is a part of the marketing plan whereas executing a marketing plan require SEO-focused strategies and tools to engage potential leads and establish a name in the industry.

Characteristics and Features of a Good Report

Characteristics and Features of a Good Report

A report is a formal document that provides an analysis of some situation. The subject matter of the report varies with different study backgrounds. There are different types of reports written for various purposes. While reports provide analysis of some event or experience, it also highlights the information collected from an experiment. But what makes a report effective? The characteristics and features of a report. The characteristics demonstrate the efficiency of highlighted issues, and the features add more informative value to the content. It thus increases the readability. So, What are the qualities that make any report a good report? Before going into these details it is crucial to understand the structure of writing a good report.

Structure of a Good report

While reports are written for various purposes, all reports follow a flexible structure that may contain these main components.

The Report Title is a short line that describes the focus of the subject matter under discussion.

A summary is a brief description of information of all details that be provided in the report

The introduction is the main component to highlight a problem. It provides the background of the report to highlight its significance of the report. It also highlights some details that will appear in the next section of the report. A detailed background can help people understand the reason for writing a report.

The Body highlights the analysis part and outcomes that you have obtained from studying a particular event. It highlights the data that supports the argument given.

The recommendation suggests the changes that may improve the content. It indicates the writer’s analytical skill to access and judge the issue.

The conclusion provides conclusive and brief insights into the main point prompted from the report.

Quality Characteristics and features of a good report:

A good report comprises qualities or characteristics that make it accurate. Because a good report is a collection of simple expression and clarity, it must include some qualities such as:


The data you provide in a report must be accurate and precise. It is crucial to understand that accurate data is the highlight of the report. If the data is inaccurate, the analysis part of the report becomes irrelevant and thus the objective of writing a report becomes futile.

Simple Expression

Since it is difficult to be simple and when it comes to writing, the process of simple expression becomes even more challenging. But once you learn the skill of using simple expressions, your content becomes more relevant, precise, and reader-oriented. Why do you ask? A simple expression is more comprehensive and reader-friendly. People easily understand difficult information. The skill is not to write using fancy words but it is a skill to write difficult concepts in simple expressions making them understandable for readers. For this, using simple language can aid the process while avoiding unclear and vague expressions.

Unbiased recommendation:

At the end of your report, you provide recommendations. It is crucial to provide a logical conclusion because the part provides insights into your analysis. Thus, the insights need to be objective and impartial.


When you write a report, an approach determines the tone of the subject.

Personal approach refers to personal inquiry and thus it is written in the first person using direct speech.

The impersonal approach refers to a report providing information on a subject and thus uses a third-person point of view having an indirect speech.


The readability of a report must be good. It is a crucial characteristic to focus on. If a report is not precise and clear, it would not engage the reader. It is crucial to attract the reader to read from the beginning till the end. For this, you need to make short sentences written in simple expressions. The sentence is short but provides complete information. If you use WordPress for writing blogs, the readability in Yoast SEO plugin help you improve even report content and increase readability.


It is one of the crucial features. A good report must not be too long as it may lose readers. A good report has an ideal length that provides accurate information, relevant data, and unbiased recommendations.


Hence, these are some of the quality characteristics and features that help to write a good report. However, the quality of content and relevancy of data is crucial to increasing readability and engaging reader.

How To Create A Brand Mascot? Everything You Need To Consider Before Hiring A Designer

How To Create A Brand Mascot? Everything You Need To Consider Before Hiring A Designer

The right mascot is a crucial part of your brand’s representation. While you market products, the most critical aspect of the business is to communicate the brand’s message efficiently. A say-it-all mascot helps communicate the vision of your brand. Because people quickly want to get an idea about your brand. To serve this need, you need to add details that attract and convey a message instantly. How do you ask? The use of visuals is the eye-capturing technique that makes your brand’s message effective. It conveys your slogan within a few seconds. But what are important measures to take before hiring a designer to make an efficient mascot?
However, it is crucial to understand that if a mascot is not designed well, it can even harm the representation and thus results in an unattractive visual. The mascot serves as a visual spokesperson for your website that grabs people’s attention. Therefore, it is crucial to plan your mascot before creating it. There are a few steps for making a successful brand mascot.

Choose the right mascot character for your brand

If you understand the objective of your business, you can easily plan a mascot for it. For this, you need to visualize what your business stands for? Is it a personal brand? What type of products and services does it provide? What industry does it belong to? Asking these questions will provide you with tons of ideas about different variables that you can use to make a mascot. Choose a mascot considering different variables.

Brand Mascot Characteristics

After planning the type of mascot character, the next step is to make his life-like personality. Because a mascot is going to work as an ambassador to your brand who visually communicate the mission of your business. Giving your character a life story helps your product grow. Why do you ask? Story prompt as a sense of relatability. If your mascot story is relatable to target customers, they will remember it. It is easy to remember a lively story and the products associated with these stories. But how do we make a perfect mascot character?


Choose colors that resonated with the story your want to tell people. Because the coloring of your product is a psychological aspect when it comes to customers. Thus, choosing the right color can make up to 60% success for your brand. Every color conveys meaning and thus the right color will directly impact your customer’s behavior. It can generate or break potential leads.

Mascot’s Facial Expression

Facial expressions are an integral part of making a brand mascot. Because a face says it all. Therefore, you have to choose expressions of smile, excitement, surprise, and anger with great care. The expressions of funny, sarcastic, sad, and excitement should be visible on the character’s face. M&Ms mascots are a perfect example of expressions.


The outfit of a mascot is an eye-capturing thing. If your mascot wears different outfits for different occasions, it will create an outlook that people will see.


While you make a post using a mascot, choose a background that is more relatable to people. A familiar background with sharp colors attracts attention.

The best Mascot examples in marketing a product

The famous panda ad demonstrates a cheese brand with a funny message. The slogan goes: Never say no to a panda. If you notice, the panda mascot has one particular look on its face. When people say no, the panda does yes. Here, the poker face of the panda conveys the message itself.

Mascot Ad Analysis

Here, in the ad, the panda is telling the story of how cheese is important to use, and if people say no, the panda gets upset. Panda as a brand mascot is a good choice and not a dairy animal. Because the way the panda looks when people say no and gets upset seems funny and sarcastic at the same time. Since the expression says it all, it is crucial to understand how emotions and expressions convey a message. Thus, you need to be thorough in communicating the mascot plan you have while choosing a good designer.

Hiring a Creative Designer to make a say-it-all Mascot

After mind-mapping your brand mascot, the next step is to hire a professional to whom you can communicate how you are visualizing your mascot. If you are a good graphic designer, the best choice can be you. But you can hire people to share how 3D animations will make your dream mascot. All you need to do is to search for animated production teams that can make your dream mascot a life-like signature symbol of your brand. The Dream Farm studio provides services for making a successful mascot.

Using these techniques, you can make your mascot communicate the message of your brand like an ambassador. All you need to do is plan the visuals before going to hire a professional designer.

Undifferentiated vs. Differentiated Marketing Strategy: Which is Right for Your Business?

Undifferentiated vs. Differentiated Marketing Strategy: Which is Right for Your Business?

While introducing a product, it is crucial to know the objectives regarding customers and products. What do you want to achieve with this product? The knowledge that how this product fulfills the need of the customer and who are these customers considering buying it? These are the objective questions that every marketer asks before introducing a product. Here is when the marketing plan becomes relevant. Why do you ask? The marketing plan comprises the strategies necessary for any product to become a source of attention.
The marketing strategies differ for different products. There are two categories of marketing strategies that you can consider while marketing your product. But what are these two categories and how do they influence marketing strategies?

Differentiated vs. Undifferentiated Marketing Strategies

These highlight the relation of the product with the target audience.

Differentiated marketing strategy and its advantages:

Differentiated products have unique selling points and a specific target audience. These products are different from the rest of the categories. For example, cat food is a product that only pet lovers will buy. The smooth shaving razor is a men’s product having specific features. The differentiated marketing strategies have specific methods to follow and thus generate potential leads. Because these products are different, their marketing strategy needs more market-oriented research, tools, and techniques. But how does the differentiated marketing strategy work?

A differentiated marketing strategy is useful for new products. It provides small businesses to enter the market by announcing low-cost products. Because a different product is something unique among other categories. Selling one product will provide the business owner an opportunity to experience the utility of the product and thus the buyer’s response to it. After analyzing the outcomes, a business owner may consider launching a new product within the niche. Thus, It will be a different way of opening a new industry of unique products. For example, Colgate targets different marketing segments. From children to adults they have unique packaging that attracts customers to consider buying it and thus increases the reach of the product.

Undifferentiated marketing strategy and its advantages

The undifferentiated products do not have a specific audience but it is a common product for every customer. While your product has no unique selling point, it is efficient to consider an undifferentiated marketing strategy to increase reach. But how this marketing strategy work to benefit? The marketing plan highlight undifferentiated product.

For example, the Coca-Cola product has a single undifferentiated market. Therefore, marketers need an initial investment to sell their products. The mediums of advertising can help spread the messages all around. These mediums also include off-page SEO marketing techniques.

    • Tv ads
    • Billboards ads
    • Newspaper ads

Using all these mediums, you can easily spread your message to a wide range of customers and thus generate potential leads

Which is Right for Your Business?

If you are introducing a new product in the industry. What will benefit your product to get target customers? If your product has a unique selling point, the differentiated marketing strategy is your answer. SEO techniques and tools can help you generate an organic audience. Using digital resources such as Google my business is a source of providing relevant information accurately. Social media platforms are also beneficial for directly interacting with the audience to tell

    • How your product is unique?
    • How does it benefit customers’ needs?

Answering these questions while marketing your product can improve your performance. But if you are an already established business and have an undifferentiated product, you can increase reach by taking the help of on-page and off-page SEO techniques and tools. Search engine marketing (SEM) is another way to increase your reach. Taking the help of Paid mediums of digital marketing can help you understand the product’s relevancy and customer’s response to it. By tracking analytics, you can improve your strategies and target areas where you are performing less efficiently. Thus, the marketing strategy allows you to grow your business by taking massive leads through paid resources.


Both strategies help in different domains to drive the target audience and thus grow the business. It is, therefore, crucial to address the needs of customers. The above differentiated and undifferentiated products example can help to understand how you can target your audience by introducing the new product of your niche.

Ad Analysis: What is it and how it is done?

Ad Analysis: What is it and how it is done?

Ad analysis evaluates the strategies and tactical elements of an ad that convey a message. If you see an ad on Tv or YouTube, have you ever wondered why these specific ideas and scenes have been displayed in a particular manner? From places to the clothing of an actor/actress convey a branding message. An ad evaluation provides insights into the main features that ads highlight and thus engage the audience. Because an ad producer has certain objectives related to the product. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the strategic and tactical elements of an ad. What is it and how it is done?

AIDA Strategic elements of Ad

The elements include awareness, interest, desire, and action. The ad producers use these elements to introduce a product and thus engage the target audience. How do you ask? Let’s analyze an ad first. Shan Masala ads are famous for their emotional message. Before analysis, it is crucial to watch this ad to get the context.

Based on insight, you can easily access the main objective of Shan Masala’s ad is to provide awareness of sharing family responsibility.

Ad Analysis: Tactical Elements


The tone of the ad is emotional. There is an element of resilience in the whole video. Because the Shan Masala ads always come up with resilience and motivation plugging the idea of tasting happiness. Thus, the ad has a tone of resilience and motivation.


The characters show a middle-class setup. Whereas the actress is signifying a married female packing food to deliver The husband is waiting for her wife to serve lunch. The idea of online business has become very famous since services like food panda started delivering food online. Starting an ad with an idea relatable to a female business is something that instantly hooks the target audience. Why do you ask? Here, the idea makes females picture themselves in this ad and thus women get more attracted to click this ad.|

Vocals and Sounds

The variations in sounds change the insight of a situation. When the ad started there was a low-tone inspirational tone that highlighted the primary idea of the ad. She sees that there is only one Naan bread left, and then it changes to a condescending tone. When the husband shares bread with her wife, the inspirational tone increases highlighting the joys of serving together; eating together.


The ad begins with a scene where the wife is packing food for delivery. Her husband is waiting for her wife to serve food. She serves and leaves quietly. When her husband sees there is only one naan to eat. He takes the food tray to her wife and shares food with her. if you notice, the husband’s concern is highly crucial which is shown when he sees that there is only one naan available. The visuals highlighted his concern that her wife is hungry as well. It is also highlighted that wife is also sharing the financial responsibility of her family with her husband.


The message is very much clear that sharing that it is not only on the wife to make food and be responsible for the home. But it is a mutual thing for husband and wife to share responsibility and happiness. As the slogan goes: “Taste the happiness”. Hence the objective of plugging in the idea of sharing responsibilities is achieved.


Hence, strategic and tactical elements are crucial to do ad analysis. While strategic elements highlight the importance of keeping objective at the forefront, the tactical elements demonstrate are the main components that make an ad a powerful message. It is, however, crucial to understand that making ads that are relatable to people can persuade more audiences to buy a product. The product becomes a part of their story and they consider buying it. While the utility of the product is there, the influence that a product has on people is something that motivates them to buy it. Therefore, the marketing plan works on changing people’s perspectives by making emotional ads that create an impact on their lifestyle.

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