Societal Marketing – Definition, Concept, and Advantages

Societal Marketing – Definition, Concept, and Advantages

Societal marketing is a concept that keeps human welfare as its core objective. While marketing for a new product highlights the needs and benefits, societal well-being makes a product’s advantages long-lasting. Why do you ask? A business will grow that always keep the benefits of society before the advantages of a few individuals. A product that adds value to people’s lives and thus generates more customers and potential leads. How does societal marketing work for human welfare?
A company that makes good marketing decisions will work in three domains.

    • needs of customers
    • Services of the company
    • Society’s long-term interest

Societal Marketing and CSR

The term societal marketing is related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Both the terms are similar in terms of objectivity. The object is human welfare and thus generates potential leads that help grow business on bigger scales.

Earlier, business owners were only concerned with profits of business and making strategies that help generate more business. It is good to be able to generate business but it’s more beneficial to plan a business marketing strategy that can help a wide range of people. It keeps people’s interest in buying your products because your product is providing services and value to customers.

Societal Marketing concept

Societal marketing concept improved ethical domains in business and counter consumerism. In 1972, Philip Kotler introduced the concept of societal marketing. It highlighted the crucial need for moral and ethical grounds to be practiced in the business industry. While you market your product to meet customers’ needs, the value a product provides should be long-lasting. The three components that are crucial for societal marketing are human welfare, customer needs, and profit.

Societal Marketing KPIs

It is crucial to have KPIs for marketing strategies where the objective is human welfare.

    • Social Marketing to make long-term connections with your customers
    • to provide services that distinguish your business from competitors
    • to develop social networks and thus improve social position in the industry

Societal Marketing Examples

Many brands understand the crucial need of highlighting social welfare in the marketing of a product. A social welfare message ad. is always got appreciation and thus engages people.

Shan Masala ads:

Shan Masala ads are the best examples of societal marketing. These ads always come up with societal messages such as peace, and multicultural harmony.

Lifebuoy Shampoo ads:

These ads demonstrate the empowerment of women. The brand is running a campaign to send girls students to schools. Because education is every child’s right. Therefore, girls must get an education for the betterment of society.

Super Biscuit Ad.

The super biscuit Tv Ad demonstrates a sense of gratitude. A son seeing his family spending quality time is thanking Allah for the blessing of family. It is crucial to spread the social welfare message to prompt a question of peace and well-being.

Societal Marketing Advantages

The are many social and economical advantages of using these marketing strategies. When you introduce a product advertising it is for social well-being that makes people emotional about the message and thus they engage more people sharing it on the internet. Because digital options have increased the chances of a product being well-received.

People share what they enjoy watching. If your ad gets viral on the internet, it will spread a message of well-being, grow customers, and earn profit. While your product becomes a sign of well-being, it gets a unique position in the industry as well. The brand will eventually become famous for keeping human welfare a priority and thus growing potential customers. How do you ask? A brand with a social reputation tends to earn more profit than any other brand.


Thus, it is crucial to keep human welfare a priority of your business. While this will establish a social position for your brand, it makes your brand a reliable source that is relevant to the customer’s needs. Taking the help of KPIs can improve the societal marketing strategies and you can track your overall performance before and after executing a marketing plan of establishing your product in the industry.

Strapline, Slogan, Headline, or Tagline?

Strapline, Slogan, Headline, or Tagline?

Besides content, the companies use short and catchy phrases that create a first impression about your product. The first impression is the reason why people will consider visiting your website or buying your product. The taglines, headlines, slogans, and straplines are different catchy phrases and lines that are crucial to use to make a first impression effective. These define your product and business. What your business is about? When you answer this with taglines and slogans, you will engage more customers. If marketers use slogans and taglines while communicating with customers, they can easily promote their products. In this blog, we will understand what are all these terms and how slogans, straplines, taglines, and headlines differ and integrate to market a product.


The strapline is a catchy line that tells the customer why they should consider your brand. It is crucial to understand that a strapline is a few words line that describe the whole idea of a business and thus it is challenging to write an effective strapline. But what type of strapline is effective? The strapline that conveys the essence of your brand. An effective strapline is easy to read and remember. Because if a strapline is catchy, people will remember it and if people remember it, they will take interest in your services and may become potential customers.


The tagline is synonymous with a strapline. A tagline defines the core idea of your brand within a few words (8 words ideal length). It is a short line that attracts customers to click on your website. For a business online, if a tagline is attractive and catchy it will get more clicks and get the internet’s attention. Taglines describe a brand’s purpose, services, ideas, and mission. What a brand is trying to achieve?

A tagline speaks directly to the targeted audience and thus appeals to them to consider the product. For example, Nike’s tagline: “Just do it” directly appeals to the sport’s customers. However, it is crucial to remember that taglines can be modified or changed over time but not frequently. If you start a new product you can modify the tagline for this product because this product is a part of your business and thus you can modify the tagline for introducing new products.


It is an attractive and interesting highlighted line that conveys a message of the vision and mission of a company. Slogans are crucial to getting customers’ attention. A slogan tell people what you are providing for customers and society as well. It is a catchphrase that works like a mantra, or motto.

The slogan is a line that motivates customers to buy from your brand or consider looking at its products. At times, the taglines and slogans are used interchangeably and integrated to convey the essence of a brand. whether it is a slogan or tagline, if it is a catchphrase it can work effectively and efficiently in getting people’s attention.


A headline is a short line that grabs attention towards something important that audience would click on. There are headlines in newspapers, blogs, books, and ads. and, more. The headline is a catchy line that instantly grabs attention toward the content. It is similar to the caption that is used to grab attention towards a video. People click on something different or deceptively different.

The example is of a book’s headline that is unique and instantly grabs attention. After reading this headline, you may give a read to the given content. It is similar to the idea that people see book contents and choose to buy them. Because these short phrases of chapter names capture attention. A headline of an advertisement is slightly different as it highlights one main theme. For example, if you write a headline for an ad campaign, you might write different headlines but the focus of these headlines will be the same. The focus is the message that it conveys regarding your product.

How does a brand use taglines, straplines, headlines, or slogans?

When a brand introduces a new product, it is crucial to make it visible to the audience by writing taglines, slogans, straplines, and headlines. These sources work like short marketing tools that instantly grab customers’ attention, increase potential customers and establish a position in the industry. For a new business, the owner will make a slogan that highlights the mission and vision of the company and what it stands for? You can design a logo out of a slogan as it would create symmetry and attract audiences. Whereas the taglines, headlines, and straplines can be written for different products to highlight their unique selling point.

Hence, all these short catchy phrases and lines help a business grab attention and establish an effective position in the industry. It is crucial to remember that these catchy lines have the potential to transform a business into a brand. Brainstorming and research can help ace the task of making slogans, headlines, taglines, and straplines.

SEO Questions and Answers

SEO Questions and Answers

nce Search engines came to use, people started online ventures to maximize their resources. If anyone searches anything online, Google is the first and foremost choice. Because Google contains massive data for your searches and thus provides you with the best solutions. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps to improve your business online. While you optimize the performance of your website, the SEO tools help your content to appear on SERPs. Search engine optimization processes your content to crawl, index, and appear on search results. But SEO is an inter-woven subject that needs proper attention to understand how it works. SEO Questions and answers can help understand SEO. To understand the process, let’s answer some questions that will help us understand SEO better.

What is SEO

Search engine optimization is a process to make your content relevant enough to appear on search results organically. While optimizing content or website’s layout, the search engine tools process your content to crawl, index, and thus rank high on search results. It is the best source to make your content relevant as you organically achieve high rank by learning through competitors’ processes and providing updated content. There are two types of SEO


On-page SEO

It improves the website’s performance using SEO tools and strategies. The process includes adding keywords, improving meta tags, and using interlinks for your web pages. On-page optimization is crucial for your website’s architectural layout and thus helps your content to appear on search results.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO includes action beyond your website for your website. It is to link your content with already available links and thus rank high on search results. The XML sitemaps include citations of famous links. The off-page SEO can help you be recognized by google search engines as they recognize sitemaps citations.

What is the role of Page speed in SEO?

Page speed determines a website’s performance. How fast a website loads for a user determine how often users click on it. It increases the chance to rank high on SERPs. If your page speed is 70, it is good below 70, it is workable and less than 50 is a bad speed. You can improve speed by improving server time response, compression, reducing image sizes, reducing the number of redirects, minify the javascript or CSS coding.

What are Backlinks?

A backlink is created when a website links to another website. Google search engines recognize such websites fast and have strong links as it makes your content reliable and relevant to search results.


SEO tools help improve your website’s overall performance

    • Google search console, Keywords improve on-page performance
    • Ahrefs, Moz, Sermush improve the off-page performance
    • Google page speed insights updated the technical SEO performance
    • Google Analytics 4 tracks the overall performance

What are Keywords

Initially, the words and phrases people use to search their queries on the search engines. To make your content rank high, you need to find keywords that can engage online visitors to your content and thus your web pages rank high on SERPs. But it is difficult to track keywords that help you improve your ranking. Google tools like Google Keywords can help track which keywords to focus on. Else, you can track your competitor’s performance with Google analytics 4 and check which keywords are they using. There are some more keywords concept that helps to improve SEO for your webpage

Keywords frequency tells how frequently a keyword appears on the webpage. While there is no such limit on using keywords on a webpage but a webpage must not be stuffed with keywords that your content may penalize for.

Keywords difficulty refers to the tough competition that makes it difficult to rank high on search results. The more prominent a keyword is, the more difficult would it be to rank using this keyword. However, creating more backlinks help and thus improves your performance on SERPs.

Long-tail Keywords comprise longer and specific keywords phrases that searchers might search on search results. While these keywords generate less traffic, they can easily rank high and thus get more conversions.

Keyword density is how many times the same keywords are used in e webpage. The recommended density for keywords to appear on a webpage is 3-4%.

Keywords proximity is the distance between two keywords or keyphrases on a webpage.

What is an organic search result?

It is an unpaid strategy to rank high on search results. For this, you need to focus on SEO tools and techniques that improve your website layout and content and thus make your website a searchable entity.

What are do-follow and no-follow links?

The do-follow links are usable while creating backlinks and thus pass authority. whereas there are some links whose URLs contain a no-follow tag in them. It is of no use to add a no-follow link to your website when it comes to SEO.

What is internal linking?

Internal links are backlinks that connect different links to your domain. The internal linking shares link authority of one page to another and thus make your content reliable increasing relevancy and thus getting your page to rank high.

What are inbound and outbound links?

Inbound (IBLs) are links that come to your domain from another source. The outbounds OBLs are links that link your website to another source. Outbound links are do-follow and no-follow links and thus making a wise decision while choosing from them can improve your performance on search results.

What is image alt text?

Alt text, alt tag, or alt descriptions are a written copy of the images that help your content be discovered through alt tags. It is a crucial SEO tool that can get your website to rank high. It is a tool used by blind people to search for relevant data. However, it helps your website to be recognized on search results.

What are the popular SEO blogs to follow?

    • Search Engine Land
    • Search Engine Journal
    • Ahrefs
    • Search Engine Watch
    • SEO by SEAthe
    • Backlinko
    • Search Engine Roundtable

Hence, SEO is a webbed connection of crucial root concepts that connect and increase the overall performance of a webpage.

Top Ten Objectives of A Sales Letter

Top Ten Objectives of A Sales Letter

While introducing your product to customers, the primary concern is to tell why will customers buy it? To answer this, you will probably tell the need for your product and how will it serve the customer. While telling people about your product, it is crucial to remember the sales objectives. A sales letter is one of the best strategies to introduce your product to the public. It will not only tell customers about your product but target the sales objectives as well. The sales objectives are the main components to increase potential leads and make your product a standard people want to experience.

Sales letters are crucial to inform, educate, and persuade customers. It is the impersonal form of marketing and publicizing your product. While your letter educates about the needs and benefits of your product, it highlights the information that helps people understand the relevancy and objectivity of the product. It is crucial to remember that the sales letter will help persuade customers to become permanent buyers.

Top Ten Objectives of A Sales Letter

While writing a sales letter, it is crucial to target a few objectives to get the desired outcome

The objective of grabbing the Attention of Potential Customers:

It is one of the main components to sell your product. Grab your client’s attention towards the utility of your product and thus persuade them to buy your product. But how will you write to attract your customer? The answer is the opening statement.

Start your opening statement by posing a question, adding a story, or beginning with a persuasive line. Address customers by their first name. The opening lines highlight a potential problem to which your product is the solution. It is crucial to understand that this statement is the defining statement that makes your customer read your letter.

The objective is to introduce intertest

The next step is to tell people why they will be interested in your product or buying from your brand. What services nudge them to buy from your brand? Here is when you introduce the specific details of your product and services that convince them of the relevancy of the product and customers’ services.

Call to Action

While you have introduced your product by grabbing attention and highlighting the product’s benefits, this is time to invite your customer to visit more options of products. You can invite to visit a website. it is a good idea to mention website URLs that will lead them to services, virtual visits to your outlet, blogs, promotional videos, and more. The website idea can increase potential leads. You can also invite them to book a call or visit your outlet in town.

A Salesman’s Guide

The letter tells customers the benefits of a product like a salesman. Because all the steps of this letter educate, persuade and convince customers to consider buying from you.

Sales letter as a reminder

A sales letter works like a reminder of good services. People remember good products but remember more the services that enriched their experience. How do you make them feel? It is the main question that makes your customer a regular buyer of your products.

Sales letter as a thanking note

When the customer buys your product, a thanking note in the product’s bag is a good gesture to make potential customers. It will make them feel like a valued customer.

Introduce related Products:

A sales letter is a good opportunity to introduce related products that customers may find interesting. It is an organic way of introducing and marketing products that may generate potential leads

Target potential leads

The letter works to target potential leads for your business. The repeated occurrence of the letter with product tells people of your business standard and commitment to provide good services, solve issues and thus generate positive feedback.

Sales letter as a Publicity Tool

While you increase your sales, it is crucial to increase publicity as well. The sales letter is the best organic way that works as a tool for the publicity of your products. It engages more customers when they read the potential option that can serve their needs.

Goodwill and Good Vibes

Apart from marketing and publicizing products, it works to create goodwill in the mind of customers. If you provide discounts or promotions on their purchase, the letter telling them about it will make them consider buying your services regularly.

While writing a sales letter, keep these objectives in mind and your business will grow organically and drive more potential leads. However, it is crucial to remember that a business that provides something extra always has a good chance to stay at the top.

6 Elements of Integrated Marketing Communications

6 Elements of Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated Marketing communication is an ecosystem to rank high on search results. When you establish a website, you make a system that may help your website to grow. The system includes SEO tools and strategies, social media platforms, and more. All these mediums work together to spread the ideas related to the services of a business. The communication is called integrated marketing communication. Because the ecosystem uses one mode of language for all mediums to promote ideas of business and thus facilitate the business to grow in harmony. But how the of integrated marketing work to communicate ideas?

Six Elements of Integrated Marketing Communication

The system includes mediums such as the website, social media platforms, and email marketing. All these mediums work to promote a business.

Word-of-mouth strategy

The word-of-mouth strategy is useful in creating the initial image of your brand. when you provide good services to potential customers, you receive feedback that reflects your business standards. These feedbacks multiply when people share their experience with the services and thus increase your potential customers.

Public Relations

When different business owners meet at social gatherings, networking helps them grow together. People tend to connect and thus create win-win situations through which the creative ideas and scope of business grow.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing refers to ways in which you directly communicate with your potential customers about the products. It refers to sales campaigns in which salesman directly tell people about the products and help increase sales through launching different campaigns. The brand assistants work in a similar prospect where they help to increase sales and earn commissions. Another form is the PR packages that influencers market by making YouTube videos and Instagram stories.

SEO-focused Website for integrated marketing communications

Google gives attention to updated content. When you post something on your website, you want your content to be seen on the internet. The search engines analyze all available data and choose a few results. The data goes through crawling, and indexing and then shows up on SERPs. These results are the best and most updated that can contribute to the niche and thus gain Google’s attention.

The SEO tools and techniques help your website to grow and attract potential customers. Because your content has value to provide, SEO helps it to grow using keywords, backlinks, and social media platforms.

Digital Ads

Another way to get more clicks on your website page is search engine advertising (SEA). The search engine method promotes your brand by marketing through advertising. The first page of every search result contains these ads on the top of the page. The ads work through Pay per click (PPC) and thus increase the Click-through-Click-through rate (CTR). The marketing method ensures to make your page among the top search results. It uses different strategies such as adding add a meta description of a page. If an ad. show up in the meta description and people click this ad, there are more likely to visit your content. The ahrefs image shows the first part of the page that consists of ads.

Digital Integrated Marketing Communications:

When you introduce a product to different channels, it reaches more people. Social media followers tend to spread the message of your product and thus help to gain the internet’s attention. Digital marketing strategies and tools help to reach more people.

Promotional Videos casting social media stars to promote your product. You can introduce new packages, discounts, and customer-friendly offers that may help to spread ideas related to the brand.

Blogs are efficient sources of information that provide a detailed review of any product. When you write a blog to introduce your product, people get to know more details about why should they buy your product.

Email Marketing is a source to promote your content. You can email your subscribers all the information-related services by plugging in the relevant links of promotional videos and blogs. The strategy helps your message reach in different ways. Now, It is up to customers which source they want to click on.

such mediums help to spread messages working together in an ecosystem. Another medium is to develop an app that is the best tool used by mobile phone users. It is the best tool in the reach of every hand.

How to Create a Marketing Plan for a New Product (2022)

How to Create a Marketing Plan for a New Product (2022)

Creating a marketing plan for a new product is crucial to establishing a position in the industry. When you convert your business ideas into products it is time for introducing them to the industry. It is crucial to create a marketing plan for a new product. Because a marketing plan will make your work according to needs and demands. With the needs of your customers and the demands of the industry, you need to keep these two align to make your product a buyer’s choice. But how will an effective marketing plan work? The answer is in knowing your product and its potential customers. You cannot use every marketing plan for any product but you have to understand the utility of your product and thus plan to achieve your goal in 2022

Start a Marketing Plan with Why

When you introduce your product in the industry, it is crucial to keep the ‘why’ factor in mind. Why do you want to sell it? Why will people buy it? If you know the why about your customers, the marketing plan of selling your products will become achievable. However, it is crucial to remember that a marketing plan needs execution. For this, you need to follow a structural way of using marketing strategies that help you grow potential customers. Understanding your strengths will guide you to choose marketing strategies that work best for your product. Be aware of changing trends in the industry and try to take benefit from such situations. Knowing your competitors can help understand their process, learn from their mistakes, and introduce a better version of already available products in the industry. Knowing your product can help you follow the structural way in the best way possible.

Know how you will market your product

Knowing your product is crucial to tell it more effectively and efficiently to your customers. Asking relevant questions can help effectively apply a marketing plan.

    • What is the unique selling point of your product?
    • What distinguishes your product from others?
    • Who is your target audience?
    • What is your selling price?
    • What are the product’s size and durability?

Knowing the solutions to all these questions can lead you to execute your plan and sell your product. For example, if you are selling a clothing brand for women. You need to have a unique selling point related to fabric, design, or trend. what features distinguish your product from others? Does your product have more options in the style than other brands? who will buy it? will you make it a local, global product? what is the selling price that increases its reach? These are just a few questions to ask when you make a marketing plan for your product.

Using SEO strategies and tools to drive online traffic can help to you grow the scope of your business.

Know your audience for a better marketing Plan

It is crucial to know to who you are selling your products. Knowing the demographic details, age, gender, and interests can help you set your goals according to the needs of the audience. It is the first step to introduce your product to your audience. But if you go international, you need to modify your marketing plans to different trends in different countries.

Analyze the potential competitors to create a marketing plan

Another crucial element is to analyze people who are doing this business already. Look into the process of their marketing strategies. If they have a website, look at what strategies SEO or SEM they are using to spread the message about their product. what keywords they are using. You can take the help of Google Analytics 4 and Google Keywords How do they control the influence of internal and external factors? Learning from your competitors can help you with resourceful insights into how you can digitally and locally market your product.

Collaboration with Competitors to create and execute a marketing plan

If you have a business that benefits from collaboration, you must consider collaborating with potential leads already flourishing in the industry. For example, a YouTuber’s collaboration with a foreigner or local YouTuber will increase viewership and get more sponsors to your online business. However, it depends on the nature of your business and the market you are thriving in for success. If the market is highly saturated, you will not find chances to collaborate.

Track your Performance after executing the marketing plan

once you have executed your marketing plan, it is now time to see your performance. What is proving to be effective and what did not work at all. You can track your website performance using SEMrush and Google Analytics 4 to get an advanced insight into analytics.

A marketing plan is crucial but the execution using advanced strategies and tools can help you sell your creative efforts efficiently.