How to Improve Your Writing Skills Using Paraphrasing Tools?

How to Improve Your Writing Skills Using Paraphrasing Tools?

Paraphrasing is one of the writing skills that make a writer perfect. This skill is necessary to write better content and makes a writer proficient in his field.

Paraphrasing is when you are rewriting a piece of text with your own words. It also means that you use your own words to tell the same thing.

The main aim of paraphrasing is to convey the same idea and meaning of the original text with your own words. To paraphrase effectively, you have to understand the meaning of the original text thoroughly.

You have to know what the author is trying to say, and why he is saying it. Only then you can express that idea in your own words without distorting it or changing its intent.

Why is paraphrasing important?

Paraphrasing is necessary for good writing because it shows you have understood what you are referring to. Paraphrasing helps you to organize information, and you can use it anywhere in your writing.

The more you paraphrase, the better your writing skills get. There are many reasons why paraphrasing is important. Here are some of them:

    • You can express your own voice and thoughts through paraphrasing
    • To show how well you understand the ideas of an author whose work you are studying
    • To avoid writing long quotations
    • To make sure you have an equal balance between references to other people’s work and your own original ideas
    • To make sure that you write plagiarism free content

How paraphrasing can improve your writing skills?

If you want to become a better writer, paraphrasing skills can help you immensely. There are many reasons for this. Let’s see how paraphrasing can help make writing better!

Ø It helps you learn new words.

Paraphrasing involves using different words to express the same idea as the original text, so you will be learning new words along the way. Not only that, but you will be learning how to use these words correctly in a sentence.

Ø It improves your vocabulary and grammar skills.

There are times when we already have an idea of what we want to say in our heads but we don’t know how to express it in written form. Paraphrasing is one way of getting around this problem because it allows us to put our ideas into words without compromising the meaning of our ideas.

Ø It enhances your memory

Efficient paraphrasing skills help you in keeping the original text in your memory. When you use your own words, it helps you in remembering the key points of the content, which means that you will be able to recall important details about it whenever required.

It also allows you to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. By doing this, you will not have to rely on external sources every time when you have to remember something from your studies or job.

Ø It improves writing skills

Paraphrasing is absolutely necessary for improving writing skills. When you do it regularly, it becomes a habit and you start using different words in your speech and writing without even thinking about it.

You learn how to write essays without looking into dictionaries constantly or asking other people for help with synonyms or meanings of certain words. Your paraphrasing skills

Ø It enhances the text comprehension

Have you ever read something and realized that it didn’t make much sense? That’s because you weren’t able to comprehend what was written down on paper.

Paraphrasing helps you to understand what is being written down so that you can expand on it and add your personal touch to the essay or story. It helps give an accurate interpretation of what has been written or said.

When you paraphrase something accurately, it means that you fully understand the text.

What are online paraphrasers?

Online paraphrasers are web-based software that helps you rewrite any content. They use AI or machine learning to provide you with the best possible results. Paraphrasing tools work the same as you do rewording or rewriting the content manually to make it unique.

It involves changing a few words, phrases, and sentences by using advanced technology while keeping the original meaning of the text intact. The online paraphrasing tools are important because:

    • It can improve SEO by reducing grammatical and other writing errors
    • It makes your content more original and unique
    • It improves the readability of your articles
    • It allows you to use someone else’s idea without explicitly quoting them
    • It helps you avoid plagiarism issues
    • They not only save time but are also very efficient and accurate.

Best online paraphrasers to improve your writing skills

There are several online tools and programs that can be used as free paraphrasing tools. These tools are easy to use and help a person to generate unique content in no time.

1. Quillbot

Quillbot is one of the most famous paraphrasing tools available online. It will help you to write new sentences for your content using AI-based technology and provide you with a plagiarism-free report for your content.

It is easy to use, simple to understand, and offers several rewriting modes which makes it the best choice to paraphrase any type of content. After you get the paraphrased text, you can tap on any word and changes it with the desired synonyms to make it sound better and more professional.

You can use this tool for free to rewrite about 700 characters’ paragraphs in a matter of seconds. For more, you need to go for its premium.

1. Prepostseo

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Prepostseo paraphrasing tool is another tool that provides you with an accurate report of your content along with permission to insert your own new words to each line to adjust your text according to your writing style.

Like Quillbot, this paraphrasing tool also integrates AI technology which comes with different paraphrasing modes to choose from to get optimal results.

This tool provides an easy way to generate unique content without having any prior experience or knowledge about paraphrasing techniques or rules. The best thing about the tool is that it offers its services free of cost for everyone.

1. Plaraphy

Plaraphy is a free rewriting tool that also employs AI algorithms to interpret and paraphrase any content you copy or upload. It operates as an effective word rewriter since it substitutes all of the terms in sentences with the most suitable synonyms.

In this manner, the original meaning of the sentence is retained while providing a new version of the text for you. You may rewrite up to 1000 characters at once with this paraphrasing tool!


This article is all about how paraphrasing can help you boost your writing skills. We have mentioned a couple of free online paraphrasing tools that help you to rewrite your content in just a few moments. So try them out and polish up your paraphrasing skills without spending an extra penny.

The Marketing Control Process for your Business

The Marketing Control Process for your Business

The marketing control process for your business helps to transform marketing plans into execution. When you establish an organization, the main component is to plan your goals and work to achieve them. It is crucial to understand that planning requires strategies and tools that may help a business to grow. But planning without execution is a mere idea. When you execute a plan, you tend to control the situation, provide the team with a vision, work to achieve goals, and together try to establish a position in the market. This control process works the same for the marketing control process.
When you introduce a product, the utility of this product becomes its selling point. Why do people buy it? The marketing strategies start from this basic why question making their way all up to create a distinguished position to answer that why and thus people buy it. Understanding people and their current needs open ways for you to market your product. All you need to do is to observe the marketing gaps available in the industry.

At this stage, you have a realization of gaps in the market, what do you do further? Turn your ideas into reality. But to do this, you need a market plan and an execution to follow. However, it is crucial to understand that there will be a difference in what you planned and what you executed but your goal to achieve potential leads is the main focus of your whole effort. There are a few steps to executing a marketing control process.

Goal Setting:

While executing a plan, clarity of vision is the most elementary of the process. Why do you want to achieve this? The clarity of thought provides you with planning and solutions to certain recurring problems. If you know what you are doing and where will this lead you. you are all set to thrive in the industry. Here is when analytical skills come into play. A manager with having analytical perspective can easily estimate the pros and cons of a situation and execute a plan to control it effectively. For the marketing control process, you make strategies to meet people’s needs and earn profit out of it.

Performance Measurement:

The strategies to establish your product is the next step. When you introduce your product, you introduce its utility to people. If you have a website, where you post blogs daily, the strategies and analytics help you understand how people are taking it. The strategies for the effective content area are to use certain keywords and provide updated information. The analytical tools will provide you with what keywords people use while visiting your website. The efficiency measure will provide you with insights. The insights are the performance efficiency measurement that you can monitor and make improvements where needed.

Performance Diagnosis:

Now, you will analyze the overall performance of your product. Is your product making profits or suffering a loss? Where is it that you need improvement? What measures will you take to improve the situation? For example, how to rank your content high on google results is your main target when it comes to online ventures. Google Analytics 4 will provide you analytics not only of your content but also your competitor’s content. It is an advanced tool to provide minute details of analytics and help grow your business.

After diagnosis, you will use marketing control strategies. You will look into competitors’ domains and look for the analytics on their keywords. How their keywords are ranking and what contribution you can make using updating information of searched keywords. It will allow you to know what people need and serve them with an advanced solution. The content on SERPs ranks high if you have comprehensive advanced content, famous links in sitemaps, better keywords, and backlinks. Your contribution is a strategic control where you make use of all of these strategies in such a way that makes your content stand out among competitors and drive targeted traffic.

Correction Action

The diagnosis will let you know about the gaps where you need improvement. For example, if you have clothing that middle-class customers are not buying. What is the issue? Your pricing must be high and low reach to common people. What you need to do here is to have price control. You can launch a new collection—good quality and low price. Such experiences to increase reach will have a productive impact on your business’s overall performance.

Such marketing control measures help grow your business by turning your plans into execution and thus the process will gradually transform your product into an established brand.

MBA Notes – Importance of International Marketing

MBA Notes – Importance of International Marketing

The importance of international marketing highlights the new era of digital marketing. The world of digital marketing is a developing space and thus provides the business market a chance to increase its reach. While business owners reach international customers, they face challenges to meet international standards. Thus, business owners build strategies to match international standards. But how the process of international marketing takes place? It is the question every marketer should focus on.
The Covid-19 is the best example to understand how external factors affect the business market. The coronavirus situation was a worldwide external factor that affected economies and thus business market suffered at the hand of lockdowns and unemployment. However, It is crucial to observe how the shape of business transformed after Covid-19. People have converted their homes into working spaces, new-normal of business took place, and the global distances decreased. The business transformed its online structure by focusing on digital marketing and thus begin earning multiple profits.

Importance of International Marketing:

The digital market allows people to engage and do business. For example, an artist in America will reach international customers through his website. He may use social media platforms to share his website URL which his followers visit and he may get more conversions. Another crucial component is the demographic details. Why do you ask? If an artist in Pakistan sells one painting for $500, it may be costly for Pakistani customers but American customers will benefit from the reasonable price. The change in location changes the scope of profit. Thus, the global market opens ways for business owners to earn multiple profits.

International Marketing is a process to find and meet the needs of international customers and thus earn profits taking benefit of different economic situations in different countries.

Expansion of Business:

The scope of international marketing is rapidly increasing. The business owners consider international marketing to expand their scope of business. International marketing allows them to look into global opportunities by creating a space where people can engage. For example, business owners open a franchise in another country. If yours is a clothing brand, you can reach people via a website including a worldwide shipping option. Expanding your business help you understand the dynamics of the global market as well.

Better Market Understanding:

International marketing allows your business to go through certain changes to meet international business standards and thus better understand the diversity in business markets of the world. The risk of expanding your business opens vast business opportunities and thus helps you understand the competitive ways to market your brand.

Build Endurance:

International marketing opens up diverse ways to do business. Thus, it provides the chance to know people of different communities and their systems. Knowing people socially and psychologically makes you aware of how the human psyche works in multiple situations. You will find similarities, differences, and integrations of different cultures at the same time. Such factors also affect your business growth. The element of diversification may prove to be a unification as different people engage to achieve a similar outcome.

Customer Engagement

International marketing help marketers engage maximum customers. The process of engaging customers gets a boost from social media platforms, websites, and YouTube channels. Social media mediums easily attract a global audience and increase conversions. Another crucial strategy is to combine two or more influencers of different nationalities on the same platform. It can generate a lot of business as people would always want to see international collaborations between influencers, Youtubers, and more.

Sales Promotion:

The international marketing strategies help to improve sales. The domestic business market provides you with a limited scope of marketing your products. Whereas international marketing allows you to expand your sales promotions. You can make promotional videos casting international influencers who are famous in your country. For example, Khaadi cast Esra Bilgic, a Turkish actress, for a summer collection ad. Esra Bilgic as known as Haleema sultan from the Ertugrul drama series is a well-celebrated celebrity in Pakistan. People of Pakistan madly love Esra Bilgic and thus will love to purchase what she wears.

Hence, the importance of international marketing makes versatile changes in the growth of a business and global public relations.

Marketing Process | Steps of Marketing Process

Marketing Process | Steps of Marketing Process

When you establish a business, the next thing you do is to tell people about it. The marketing process begins with this first step–telling people about your product. But what makes the marketing process effective? It is a customer’s experience and the valued feedback that sell a product. Good services will generate great feedback and thus creates a perception of reliability.

However, a business with good feedback and poor customer service may not be effective in the long run. Another crucial aspect of marketing business is to have a professional outlook. For example, a coffee shop with the best coffee taste, good environment, and professional services will eventually receive good feedback and attract more people to experience the good taste and great ambiance. In this blog, you will get to know the steps of the marketing process.

The marketing process begins by introducing your business to the industry. You tell people how your business will provide value to its customers. Thus, you run campaigns and ads. But, in the digital world, it is crucial to market your business on the internet and social media platforms. Because people search for good places and valuable products and if your business is already on the internet, it will expand your business horizon by providing you an opportunity to attract more customers, get potential leads, and thus have followership on social media platforms. Your professional website and frequently asked question (FAQ) tool allow you to understand customers’ needs and act to serve them with those needs.

4 steps of Marketing planning process:

The main components to market you business include

Strategic market evaluation:

It is a time to ask the question. What are the market opportunities available within the industry? What people need is the main selling point for any product. The evaluation allows marketers and business owners to look at different marketing segments. Understand the gap and work to meet the requirement and make a profit. If a company introduces a product that meets the customer’s needs and thus makes profits and earns a reputation in the market. For example, a car company will also introduce other automobiles like motorcycles. Because they understand the needs of customers who cannot afford cars, it will allow business owners to expand their business and thus earn profit out of customers’ needs.

Marketing plan:

Now, the time is to market the product. When you introduce your product, it is crucial to understand the specific ways to reach maximum customers and generate profit. But it is also necessary to narrow down your target and keep your efforts grounded to this specific target customers. The main components are product, price, place, and promotion. Later on, you can expand your horizon and change your strategy but for this to happen you need a maintained reputation in the market. For a beginner, the goal is to achieve the maximum profit from the specific target customer and thus create value in the industry.

Implementing Marketing Plan:

It is the crucial step to implement what you have planned. Now, you will implement the strategies for telling people about your product. The strategies may include telling people via email marketing, running ads, social media pages, and campaigns, and making promotional videos. These strategies are for startups but if your product is established, you can move to digital billboard branding as well. Here is when you get to engage with a real audience and tackle the customer behavior, sell services generate profit, and create value in the industry.

Customer’s Feedback role in marketing process

Another aspect is to receive feedback, take the questions, and answer the queries. Provide your customers with the best solutions and services. It is the feedback of customers that makes your name in the market. However, the best strategy is the ability to adapt. The flexible approach to learning from mistakes can take you a long way toward achieving success. You can also learn from your competitor’s processes as to how they tackle such situations and come out with the best solutions. In any business, updating your product and services can provide you an edge over others.

These are a few steps that can help you in the marketing process and generate great business opportunities and value in the industry. However, it is necessary to remember that every business grows with experience and effort. If you are willing to come up with new ideas that facilitate people, you can make your way up to success.

Positioning: 5 strategies to stand out from your competitors

Positioning: 5 strategies to stand out from your competitors

Positioning is a strategy that develops perspectives about a product. If there are three sauces available in the market, which one do you choose? The one you saw in the TV ad last night or the one you have not heard from anyone? There are 98% chances that you choose the one you saw in a Tv ad where your favorite actor/actress dipped a chicken nugget in their favorite sauce and could not help loving it. Now, you want to experience the same. TV ads provide the customer with a sense of choice. So, is it about the product or the perception of the product? The answer is the developed perception that boosts your experience. Positioning is a process to create a perspective about your product using strategies that can help stand out from your competitors. In this blog, 5 positioning strategies to stand out from your competitors are discussed.

Positioning is the main component of establishing a product in the market. It is slightly different but works alongside the marketing strategies. Positioning creates a perspective about a product. The perception, the customer’s experience, creates a vibe of the product in the market. When people experience good services, they share their experience with others and thus word-of-mouth spreads developing perception into perspective. The perception before positioning takes time to build, but when a product successfully creates and maintains a standard, the positioning opens ways for the product’s growth. It is crucial to remember that positioning is not about the product but the one who buys it—the target customers. It is not about how you make this product presentable before your target customer that makes them buy it.

Positioning Process:

The process starts with a ‘something different’ status of your product and thus this ‘something different’ becomes a unique selling point (USP). But is this something different? Your contribution to a particular niche. For example, if your product is a floor cleaner, what will make it unique among competitors?

    • Product’s credibility
    • Customer’s reviews
    • Reasonable price
    • Customer Service

All this contributes to the process of positioning but may or may not attract people to purchase your product. Here emotional attention comes into play. After covid-19 everyone was concerned with immunity and cleanliness. For marketers, it becomes a good selling point. People’s concerns are the key factors to grow a business. Now, the floor cleaner’s ads start plugging in the statement kills coronaviruses. Dalda, a Pakistani cooking oil company, introduced ‘Dalda Kalwanji oil’ for better immunity in times of covid-19. The necessity and sense of insecurity become unique selling points for brands and they make massive profits.

Catchy Captions/slogans:

Another crucial aspect that contributes to the positioning of the product is a catchy caption/slogan that directly influences the audience. The one-line statement describes the essence of a product. Nike’s slogan “Just do it”, or Disneyland’s caption: “The happiest place on earth” highlights their target audience. The Nike shoe brand is world-famous for sports shoes whereas Disneyland is a playland for children and families equipped with games and fun activities that make their audience happy. Whereas Gillette’s caption: “The best a man can get” highlights the product’s unique selling point of giving a smooth shaving experience. The captions/slogans are selling statements that clearly define the essence of the products.

5 Strategies for Positioning a Product to stand out

There are five strategies that you can use to make your product stand out among competitor

Positioning on Product’s features:

To sell your product, you need to highlight one selling point—the key benefit of your products that makes your product unique. For example, Honda is a sign of reliability, and Ferrari is a luxury car—a style statement. Brands communicate the unique selling point of the product that makes it different from others.

Positioning strategy on price:

The brands that position themselves on a price target audience that can easily afford it. McDonald’s is a brand that positions itself at the most reasonable price that everyone can afford. It is the place for families where the reasonable prices and happy meals make families their preference when it comes to family hangouts.

Positioning on Luxury:

Some brands position themselves on a luxury strategy. Their product creates a sense of luxury and style statement. The high prices are associated with high-quality products. Sana Safinaz’s Pakistani clothing luxury brand is an expensive retailer brand and speaks of style for modern women.

Positioning on product’s use:

The positioning strategy is often used for meal replacement options for the targeted audience. For example, Ensure—is a nutritional milk supplement for old age. The ads about Ensure specifically during the month of Ramadan will increase its purchase.

Positioning strategy based on the competition:

Positioning based on competition refers to the strategy of using a brand’s reference to introduce a different element of your product. For example, Ariel and Express power. The Express Power ads refer to the blue particles formula of ariel and make a point of difference that Express Power has the same blue formula but a low price.


There are more strategies to this process. However, these strategies can best establish your product as a reliable resource and customer-friendly experience.

SEO for financial services: What do you need to know?

SEO for financial services: What do you need to know?

Financial institutions have been digitalizing their services since SEO came into play. The rapid increase in financial solutions data balks the opportunity to take up the best option and thus increase competition. While competition grows, search engine optimization provides numerous tools that help improve the searchability of the best financial services site. It is crucial to understand what do you need to know when it comes to SEO for financial services. What makes any financial services data reliable? SEO for financial services goals.

    • Updated content
    • Better conversion rate
    • High competition and CTR
    • Addressing customers’ needs

All these factors are crucial in providing customers best user’s experience.

SEO strategies are crucial to understanding the users’ behavior when they click and search your website. They are not just clicking it but providing you an opportunity to learn your strengths that drive traffic in and what improvements you need to make to attract more numbers. The sites for financing fields can earn massive monetary resources if they show up among top search results. Why do you ask?

The competition and your website: a potential option

While the competition increases the opportunity to stand out becomes challenging and thus minimizes your chances to grow. But the competition also provides solutions to stand out—the updated content of information already available. For example, 5 financial marketing strategies to rank high in 2019; and 5 SEO Tools to thrive in the financial world in 2022 show an update. Both blogs might have some similar concepts but there is a clear distinction as SEO is more than just marketing your business.

When people trust your content, it becomes easy for you to introduce new financial services and earn massive revenues with users’ clicks. Because your content is an organic search entity, you can develop new strategies, hire SEO teams, and run campaigns that make your financial solutions site and thus turns it into an all-in-one solutions site. The website Brightedge provides SEO services for financial services. The website highlights a trend that financial services benchmark SEO stats. The financial services can maximize SEO stats without limits.

Optimize Google Profile:

Financial services SEO focuses on how your profile appears and performs for your customers. The title tags, meta descriptions, and each detail in the listings increase your chance of social visibility. If you are a b2b business, this is the best thing as different branches transform your business’s scope. Another crucial aspect is the site speed which impacts the overall performance.

If your website has a speed of 80-90 out of 100, your website stands out. The speed also impacts the Click-through rate (CTR). The faster the customers find solutions, the more your site will appear in search results as a reliable source and thus ranks among the top searches. It also increases the conversions rate and thus the potential visitor may become a potential client. The best part is in making your website mobile user-friendly to increase accessibility to attract more people.

Learn the Metrics:

Another main component is to learn about the metrics and how the ranking system works. What high volume keywords and phrases are? The keywords about which people are searching for and competitors are writing about. What can you do to contribute to this phrase? It is crucial to remember the higher the competition about a phrase, the more difficult it would become to contribute to SEO scope.

You can contribute by taking the help of alternatives like google ads. SEO and digital marketing at times integrate to generate the best solutions for your business to grow and attract potential leads. Technical SEO is another good option to increase the chance for your website to get crawled, indexed, and may appear in top search results. To see your index performance, you can take the help of an index coverage report using Google Search Console (GSC).

Take Help of SEO Experts:

SEO for financial institutions and services is a highly complex and dynamic field and thus requires SEO experts to make it possible for you to thrive in the digital market. If you have already acquired a name in the market, it is now crucial to maintain it and increase your scope. There are many SEO experts firms available. Siteimprove is an SEO services provider for finance fields sites. Hire SEO professionals and AI specialists to generate technical SEO solutions for your business and boost your analytics keeping your website up above the mark.