Google search console is a tool for SEO experts and website owners to observe their all-over performance and what steps they should take to improve their presence on SERPs and thus drive potential traffic to their website. The search console helps you monitor the process of how the Google search engine crawls, indexes, and presents your website to searchers. But how do you begin with a search console to monitor your performance? There are a few steps to this process with the Google search console and understand the SEO as a guide to index coverage report. Any google business striving to get noticed on google should have proper knowledge of:

    • Learn how google search engines crawl, index, and make your content discoverable
    • Improve the content and fix errors
    • Provide an updated version of already available content
    • Monitor search performance with the search console
    • Use google search console for SEO

How to use the Search Console for SEO?

Search console is about your goals, site, and personal needs to grow your business. It depends on how you want the search console to perform for you. If you are a startup website, maintain your job by checking search traffic in the performance reports. Try learning through queries and pages about your potential customer. Where from you drive most of the traffic?
Whereas if you are running a large business website, you need to check your performance if your pages are indexed, and your content is error-free.

You can observe index errors in the coverage report, mobile user ability report, and AMP report. But how do you check search console performance if you are an SEO professional? It is crucial to see if your focus is technical SEO or content development strategies. Thus, the search console will provide you with interesting insights into your performance and thus improve development content that helps drive more relevant traffic.

Index coverage status in Search Console:

If a search engine crawls your page/website, the ultimate idea is your website has to offer valuable content to your customers and viewers. Search engines crawl your site and the links you add to your website. A potential website link assures your content as a reliable source. Googlebot searches through massive data and sees the pages of similar niches in comparison. It tracks the location of each page and thus helps gets updated pages to be added to the Google index. Index coverage report provides you an overview of all pages Google tries to index from your website.


Index coverage reports provides detects the index related issue and informs you in email and this makes your process easy as you do not need to constantly have a check on index report but once in a while to resolve the issue. When you open coverage report, the summary page opens and shows you the indexing issues and errors in your website.

Besides errors, you can check options like valid with a warning, valid, and excluded. Below you will find the checkbox for adding a number of impressions to your main chart—the number of impressions your page gets on search. The error option helps you understand and prevent your page from getting indexed. If a page has errors, it will not show any presence on google search results and thus you lose traffic. When you submit a page that has no index directive, you might get an error. But how do we resolve these issues? Errors may find solutions in detecting links that we add in sitemaps.

Valid with Warning:

It shows pages that may or may not show up on google search results and thus highlights that issues should be detected and resolved for better performance. For example, if you have some pages indexed but blocked by rorbot.txt. To avoid this issue, you can use no index directive or request HTTP: authentication to see your page performance.

Valid and excluded:

Valid pages are indexed. These pages show up in google search results. These pages do not need any improvements or authentications, and thus you are good to go.

The excluded pages are not indexed and thus would not show up in search results. There may be some issues that show up why pages are excluded from being indexed. Google detects if the page is a duplicate of another page or shows an error and keeps returning a 404.

Look comprehensively into errors and valid warnings on summary pages that keep your pages from being indexed. The Inspection icon on the right comes in handy to show up all the issues related to pages not indexed. After observing issues, you can now move to solutions by finding resourceful means.

External Environment Of Marketing And Explain How It Affects The Marketing Of Your Product/Service

External Environment Of Marketing And Explain How It Affects The Marketing Of Your Product/Service

The external environment of marketing a business is unwanted hindrances that a business suffers while marketing the products. A business setup is an outcome of strategies, tools, teamwork, and valuable products. Business owners put efforts to establish themselves in a competitive market. They work with a vision, set up a team of experts, assign tasks and goals, and thus help them succeed. But the internal efforts of a business are not free from external factors that may cause a great disturbance to the growth of a business. The marketing environment consists of external and internal factors that affect performance. But the external factor may prove more serious than internal factors. Why do you ask? You cannot control them.
The external factors known as macro factors include political, social, demographic, technical, and Trends in culture. These cause a great impact on the overall performance of a business. When external factor affects a business, the internal factors also underwent through some changes. Here is when the marketers come to play. The marketing strategies allow them to understand the external factors and how they cause changes in the market. The managers apply marketing strategies that help them create a balance to meet customers’ needs.

1: External environment and the economic upheaval:

The economic upheaval is every manager’s nightmare. The changes in the economy directly affect performance and progress. When the economy goes smooth and the chances of growth are bright, the business visions seem achievable. People make efforts to attain their goals. But if a country faces an economic crisis, the business market suffers. The covid-19 is the biggest example of how countries faced economic crises and unemployment. The companies begin downsizing and thus people suffer as they were not prepared for such challenges. The external factors at times become uncontrollable for employees.

2: External Factor–the technical issues:

Today, in the realm of the digital world, data has become the oil. If you lose data, you lose opportunities to grow. It creates a negative impact on a business’s growth. If a YouTube Channel gets banned for no apparent reason. What did you lose? You lose valuable content and efforts of decades in a few minutes. Thus, you lose all data, viewership, followers, valued customers, and many business opportunities.

The external factor is a disaster for content creators when they lose their efforts due to technical issues. However, marketing strategies help to retain such data. For example, if a YouTube channel gets banned for some unknown error. What do you do? You will make videos informing your followers about the situation. The next step is to constantly communicate with authorities, and gain support from other content creators. Using different social media platforms aid the process. If content creators make videos raising the issue, followers make trends and hashtags, it will nudge authorities to resolve the issue. Because, in the digital world, attention is the currency.

3: External Factor–the changing trends in Culture:

If you run a clothing business, you may suffer from the change in trends almost every year. It is a crucial factor that companies use and sometimes suffer from. If you are new in the market, little educated about constantly changing trends, and have a few customers, the change in trends may affect your growth in the market. But you can take the help of advertisement and of some discounts that may attract potential clients to consider your product.

4: External factor–Competitive Market:

It is one of the crucial factors that may slow your business’s growth. When you start a business, you look around and learn from your competitor’s process. While this evaluates your marketing strategies, it also makes it difficult for you to establish your product in the market and thus make people buy it. For example, with hundred varieties of sauces available in the market, why people will purchase your sauce? Your marketing strategy.

5: External factor–the political policies:

The regulatory bodies impose laws and restrictions on business. These regulations help to improve quality and protect customers and business owners such as Patent laws, and IPO. It helps secure intellectual properties from piracy and plagiarism. However, some policies may challenge or even directly damage business. The social media business such as YouTube channels faces threats whenever there is a rumor about YouTube getting banned in Pakistan. Such threats affect overall performance and thus need strategies to overcome external pressures.

Thus, external factors do impact your business, but marketing strategies can help evaluate the issues and act to counter the situation.

SEO FAQ: Keyword Rankings Explained

SEO FAQ: Keyword Rankings Explained

When you do SEO for your business to grow, there are several techniques to follow and tools to use. SEO FAQ and Keyword rankings–these techniques and tools together help your content to be on search results as an answer guide to people’s queries and searches. When your content answers people’s searches it directly increases your rank as your content contains the keywords people are searching for. Your keywords become ranking keywords for SEO. Your content may have keywords that provide insight about related topics within the niche and thus rank high anytime people search for those keywords and find your content valuable.

Another crucial aspect of ranking in SEO is in knowing what people are searching for within your niche. The search will allow you to serve people accordingly. A better way to find out people’s needs is by creating a FAQ on your website. Turn your FAQs into a question/answer tool and thus engage with people directly and understand their needs and queries. Help them by providing solutions and you will be able to increase potential leads. While FAQs will help your customers and visitors with solutions, they will provide you an insight into what keywords people are searching for? What are the areas that they are not finding any solution about? How you can help in providing the best solutions and updated information? This is where SEO FAQs come into play.


SEO FAQs are the keywords that you find people searching within your niche. These are the problems and queries that they are frequently searching for but are unable to find an update.

The image is a primal example of providing the best solutions to queries. At times, the targeted question provides you a chance with guiding people on techniques for SEO. It is not SEO to focus on but putting an effort in design, content, branding, usability, and technology that can organically rank your content. Transforming people to the right techniques provides you an edge over others—an updated version of the content.

It is crucial to focus that people search with Google assistance as well. They ask full-sentence questions from google and thus expand search options. Another way to find what people are searching for is by looking at SERPs pages you will find more searches within the ‘People Also Ask’ panel. Whether you search for long keywords and find search results and short targeted keywords and huge search results, both opportunities allow you to get maximum knowledge of what SERPs consider valuable for customers and how you can contribute to your industry.

The keywords or queries search will show results with ads on the top and sometimes at bottom of the page. The ads part of the page is Pay-per-click (PPC) or SEM-related search results. Below this, you will find articles, and blog posts that are the SEO part of the page—organically relevant to the searches. It is highly dependent on google how they rank high any post or content. But what makes a difference is your contribution to content available already. It also provides you with a chance to be more relevant to your customers by adding more keywords that may make your increase your content’s visibility.

FAQ Keywords:

It is crucial to know what people are frequently searching in your niche but how do you find relevant keywords? The first step is to look into your google analytics and observe what keywords or pages people have searched on your website thus you can find areas where you need improvement. There are many tools to search keywords such as AnswerthePublic and SEOMINION. You can either use GoogleKEYWORDPLANNER or SEMrush KEYWORDMAGICTOOL. However, it is crucial to remember that FAQs do not only belong to google searches. The websites like Quora are the hub of Q/A for any and every niche. You can simply log in to Quora, engage people and improve your content as per need.

Another way to search for more keywords is by observing competitors’ analytics. With Google Analytics 4, you can easily observe what people are searching for from your competitor’s website.

There are many ways to do SEO for your website but tools for observing keywords and making an FAQ on your website will help you understand your customer better. If you know your customer better, google will recognize your content by increasing its discoverability.

How to Write the Perfect SEO Meta Description

How to Write the Perfect SEO Meta Description

The best SEO meta descriptions in Google My Business listings are all about providing short and precise details about your website. It is the face of your business that will make people click your website. But these details are not a guarantee to get you high ranks. These are the first primal steps to efforts of making searchable content, searching keywords, putting sitemaps, being open to criticism, and being responsive to customer queries.

Meta Description snippet:

While you put an effort to make the Google Business Profile, the Meta description snippet defines your business in search results. The Title tag, a version of the page title added to HTML, Slug: the URL for your page. The meta description, title tag, and slug combine to make a snippet that appears on search results. The viewport is a tag that websites use to tell google how to show your website page on mobile devices. The Robots tags tell the crawl site what to do with your page. This is a description based on 155 to 160 words data blurbs. You have an option to make a brief description but only the first 50-60 words appear on the search engine and thus give you an idea to develop a description within these words limit. It includes all the focused details that make customers click on your site. But is meta-description boost your rank?

The answer is yes and no. You should develop descriptions but the main aspects of focus are producing valuable content, observing analytics, and improving the process. The listings components are the stepping stones of the process. However, the value of a good meta description cannot be avoided. There are a few steps to follow while generating a meta description snippet.

Meta Description Generator:

It is an SEO tool that helps create the best meta descriptions in no time. All you need to do is to put your title tag, meta description, and a few website details. your website title tag and meta description are ready.

But if you wish to go way faster than such SEO tools, Artificial intelligence is the answer. The AI meta description tag is a step further. The AI-trained generators help improve SEO tools such as meta description, title tags, and more. You need to understand that your meta description is essentially your ad copy. People put ads in this snippet that leads people to the main ideas of your website. It is an advanced way of telling people about your business.

People put ads in this snippet that leads people to the main ideas of your website. It is an advanced way of telling people about your business. In a few seconds, you can attract people’s attention, and thus you may rank high due to the maximum number of CTR.

Meta description visibility

The visibility of meta description is crucial as your snippet adds to the process of making your brand or business appear in search engine result pages SERPs. An unorganized meta description will eventually ruin the opportunity of presence on search engines. It is an indirect way of getting you directly to search results. How do you ask? Through Click-through Rates (CTR). What makes people click on your website—is your catchy and visible meta description snippet. The CTR increases the chances for your website to rank high in search results. Meta description sells your product as it attracts attention if you do not get potential clients, you get potential clicks, and that matters.

Meta description Examples:

It is crucial to avoid descriptions that do not provide messages in 50-60 words. The chances are this will not attract people to click. A perfect SEO meta description length is between 50 to 60 words where you need to specify your business.

Yoast blogging meta description is short and conveys a message. Looking for such examples can help you improve meta description but it is not suitable to copy and paste the data. Make your original meta description that defines your product/business.

Hence, writing a short and catchy meta description highlights the objective of your content. Because a meta description is the first impression that makes customers click on your website.

SEO vs SEM: How Do They Work Together in 2022

SEO vs SEM: How Do They Work Together in 2022

SEO and SEM raise the effectiveness of search engine marketing. The business in 2022 has updated online and becoming smarter than it was ten years ago. SEO and SEM are the main components to getting your content on the top organic rank. If your content gets on top, then chances are it will remain there for a while and thus increase your visibility and discoverability on search engines. SEO works together with SEM to optimize and market the business. But if SEO generates organic traffic and SEM is more of a digital marketing tool, how do these two integrate to get noticed on the internet?

Search engine optimization generates organic traffic which is more reliable as they come for quality and stay long for more updated quality content. The advantages of search engine optimization include:

Optimize Google My Business Listings:

This is crucial because you cannot connect with your audience without optimizing your profile, URL, and meta descriptions. These components make your brand/business a physical presence on the internet. The more you provide people with the details they are looking for, the better you will rank with good reviews and organic clicks. Here is when keyword strategy comes to play.

Search for the keywords that people are searching for about your business niche. You need to provide them with all details that they are searching for on the internet. You can update content that is already available. But the crucial part is that keyword is the most reliable strategy to get you social visibility. Consistent updating details, asking people questions, inserting FAQs, and answering reviews engage you with your potential customer organically. Keep ‘suggest an edit’ open and allow your potential customer to edit suggestions.

Crawl, Indexation, and Sitemaps:

Crawl optimization is when search engines such as Google bots crawl your content, notice if there are updates that will provide value to search engine customers, and thus open a possibility for your website to get indexed. It is, however, a possibility that your website crawled, and then indexed. What makes this possibility a fair chance is the citations of potential links you put in sitemaps. It is an off-page strategy but helps your website be indexed as links make your content a reliable and searchable entity.

SEM Tips:

Search engine marketing refers to paid advertising of your business. SEM includes the process of making keyword matches of customers’ searches related to your niche. The focus is to invest in ads to appear to relevant queries related to your specific niche.

Use Google AdWords to process your content as a solution to the customer’s keyword searches. Now, upload an ad and create a bid. Your bid will decide the amount you will pay for each click on your ad. The ad platforms then compare different ads for one search and process the best matches. The comparison happens between the best quality matches and the highest bids. The advertising strategy or pay-per-click (PPC) is also available on various search engines such as Bing. The selection of the highest quality match is similar to the Google search engine process.

SEO and SEM Example:

Now, the question is about the integration process of SEO and SEM. These two search engines help a website rank high in top searches through Organic and paid efforts. The efforts will make your business discoverable to customers related to your niche. If you have created a website on dentistry. What will you add to your listings? All the data that require to get potential customers to your website. You will add meta description, address, contact info, and location—google maps, aesthetic photos and videos, and more related to your niche.

If your idea of dentistry is a b2b business, it is a plus allowing both organic and paid search engines to integrate and provide matches to customers. SEM AdWords links you to the keywords people are searching for, and if your content is an updated version for customers’ searches then Google has no option but to rank your website at the top in search results.

SEO and SEM, organic, and Paid search engines to increase the chances for your content to show up in google results. While you establish your website listings, add sitemaps, and then invest in ads that make you discoverable to your customers.

Best All in One SEO Tools Website Prepostseo For SEO Experts 2022

Best All in One SEO Tools Website Prepostseo For SEO Experts 2022

SEO experts produce exceptional content if provided with the best tools that suggest the all in all growth of content. Prepostseo is an all-in-one website with 95+ free online tools to help webmasters, writers, and SEO experts. It helps develop original and error-free content for search engines. The best part most of the tools are free and you can get services without even login details. However, SEO experts may consider paid service tools for the best results. But is prepostseo legit for the sake of originality and productivity of content?

The Best Tools of Prepostseo:

Among 95+ tools, these are the best tools to check your content worth.


The Plagiarism checker checks the similarity index with the Google database to ensure the originality of the content. It facilities users to check plagiarism in different languages such as Spanish, German, Turkish, and English. The main advantages of this tool include the Google extension, smartphone application, and WordPress Plugin. Although this is a paid and word range that varies with the pricing plans it offers. The highest word-count range it offers is 25000 for company premium users. It is the best tool for plagiarism checking but there is a more efficient plagiarism checker available. is one priced but quality tool that suggests words, rephrasing, and more to develop productive content. The people striving to be SEO experts can start from the free version of Grammarly as this only suggests words improvement and some grammatical mistakes. These components even ensure to provide you an insight into how to write effectively.

Article Rewriter:

Prepostseo makes your life easy by providing an article rewriter tool. As a writer, you wish to upgrade your skill with the originality of your thought than take the help of such tools. But this service tool is there to help those who want to make their work easy and not focus on creativity. The main advantages of this tool include the simple, advanced, creative, and fluent content.

Paraphrasing Tool:

To make your content error-free, you can you the technique of paraphrasing. You paraphrase already available content but this tool helps paraphrase content for you. While it is a complex extension to use, it has the best among free tools to increase your content’s readability. The main advantage of this tool includes is unlimited paraphrasing content feature as its 100%. it supports 27 languages. Simple, advanced and standard, and fluent. It makes your complex content simpler and more reliable. It has the additional feature of keywords density.

Online Grammar Checker:

online grammar checker is one of the best tools that help make your content more relevant and error-free. it makes your content rank high but with credibility. The main advantages include the 5000 limit words, spelling, punctuation error highlights and auto language detection, and free usage. The best part it shows errors in different colors.

Spellings errors have red highlights whereas punctuation errors have yellow highlights. The coloring feature makes it easy for writers to detect mistakes. This feature is similar to Grammarly and Hemingway editor. Both of these also make highlights errors using different color highlights.

DA PA Checker:

The domain authority and page authority is the best tool to make your content appear in search results. Why do you ask? it is a legitimacy checker and if your domain authority is low, it raises questions about the legitimacy of website producing content. The main advantages include its range to check almost 500 URLs at the same time, everyone can access this and take benefit from checking DA and PA, can download entire result in excel report. You do not need any technical knowledge to use it. You can enjoy its benefits using the google extension as well.

Prepostseo has many tools with additional features that provide the best results. Although most of the tools are free some are not error-free. There are some more tools such as Online Text Editor to help assist you in writing SEO-optimized content. it is free and has SEO-related advanced features. Another tool is the Image to Text Tool which helps convert images to text. The advanced feature includes a freeware OCR scanning application. It supports almost 30 languages.

Using all these tools can help you develop error-free content but for a writer to be an SEO expert, this website limits creativity. The only way to increase readability and searchability on search engines is to come up with updated information. Your contribution makes you a relevant and credible source.